

For a bit of time off sewing, printing and generally getting covered in glue, I thought i'd do the right thing and blog about freckles as they've been whirring round my head (sadly not on my face) for some time now.....
While other nations often mistake freckles for a skin complaint, the western world celebrate the dotty face. (beauty spots also welcome). A sprinkling of freckles or a beauty spot can transform a plain Jane into an icon. Its all about breaking up the symmetry as nothing in nature is totally perfect. I love a sprinkling of freckles: It's time it became acceptable to draw these bad boys on. 

Drawn on. I think Amy Winehouse had a bash at this. 

Sparkly stuff such as glitter / gems or even mirrors can do what the beauty spot did for Marilyn.
Even better if you're quite unfortunate looking, you can just cover yourself up instead of using that cakey pan-stick stuff. The Mexican guy below is the perfect ejemplo.

Its all pretty easy to do. I get my gems super duper cheap from papermania (www.onestopcraftshop.com) They're actually for craft but they're so sticky they'll stay on for ages. I also glue cut up sequins on my face which actually itch a little bit but look nice and imperfect. Just basically go mental for it like the Magpies themselves.

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