
Im not sure I get Chanels most recent collection. In fact, it's pretty disgusting. It's toilet roll holder, shiny space fabric combined with russian/porcelain doll chic hasn't got me this time. I thought Lagerfeld was stepping his game up, not this time one step forward (in nasty silver boots) two steps back.
The Ice cream colourway is good, and the big hair+bow is fantastic and even nods towards last years defiant grey hair trend, with some streaks.
But WHAT WAS HE THINKING. It's as if he just couldn't care less. Karllll ve need ze designs today! Ahh avv zeees i did zem when i voss on se toileettee zis mornin. 
Here's the GOOD, THE BAD and the UGLY.

A potato sack for the rich when they want to look err like a potato sack?

 Bridesmaids dress gone wrong.

The afforementioned toilet roll holder
Bog chic?

This one really was a self portrait

And some that are quite beautiful, I do love the hair and the tights. Some of it is admittedly effervescant and fairy wing esque.


Love love



bear neccessities....

Cant believe what i stumbled upon!! Im a bit obsessed with homeware at the moment, having a proper flat for the first time. I actually feel like an old person I love little twiggy birds and homeware and plants too WHATS BECOMING OF ME i need to grow down.
 Absolutely love bears if they aren't terrorizing so these are pretty cruel.

But yes sick. (in a bad, bad way)

On a much lighter note - time for some fashion/art stuff
LOVE some art work by Ruby Petts

Actual fashion next time! I promise. Promise bomis.


A toast!

During the depths of what seems to be the eery, lost month of the year, there is nothing quite as appealing as getting sniggly. 
I dont mean the snuggle blankets with the arms for the sofa. NO! i mean beautiful, elegant sniggly.
Im talking PYJAMAS, Slippers, ThRows, cups of tea and big thick socks. Just because its practical doesn't mean it cannot be beautiful.
Toast, a firm family favourite is cosy, but rustic and unique, The quality is minddd blowing, but the price, reasonable. 

Layer socks with leggings/skinny jeans/ tights and high boots.

Flippin love little birds. Had a wren fly into my bedroom part of me wanted to catch it and keep it like a little mouse and have it sing on demand. But the other part of me loves them so much i couldn't do such a thing!


Most of the pyjamas are reversible too. 

These are all on sale. Choose from the velvet, silks and flannels beautiful!

Time for bed!!!! mmmmmm


im avin an Art Attack

Im getting so frustrated. My design project reflects so strongly on my mood. If its going well its euphoric, but if it's not going well Im so low.
Seems to be the way with all things creative. There's nothing better than the feeling of writing a good article, doing a mountain moving design or putting together an outfit that is shit hot. Its just one tends to know when something isn't quite THAT which is such a disappointing feeling. Still, the struggle is well worth the gain...
I am an IMPERFECT PERFECTIONIST which should be a recognized condition! MY GOD It's a battlefield out there...

'Karl Lagerfeld's sums it up well, although it sounds like a frustrating life.
I'm never content with what I do. I live in a sort of permanent dissatisfaction. I think that's the secret to doing things well.


strong little swimmers

Lovely image. Definitely think this theme could be big somewhere in 2010. So flattering is 1920's swimwear. This stuff looks almost military with the applique.
Love the ukulele. Its so happy and wet and summery, which seems like a world away amongst the glum, wet and wintry feel of mid january. 
I love how the 1920's gals always have big chunky hephalumps of legs which is so refreshing. It's healthy looking!

Solomon grundy born on monday

I'm gonna run some blades through my hair in honor of the blade runner doll. 

However slightly less like Biff's mum. Who is not a MILF.
Unless mullets are up your ally...


Use navy, not black. Some new years resolutions for your muffy aunt

So you got a lump of coal from santa, you've blown up like a berry and your

bank balance has shrivelled like your poor boozed up liver and both are at the point of no return.

The comedown of christmas is always a drag but FEAR NOT. Here are some failsafe resolutions to make 2010 the

final year of a decade you'll never forget (no pressure).

1. Get out of bed. This world is AMAZING.

2. Dont feel guilty for not getting out of bed. You deserve a lie-in if you've been out on the razz.

3. Buy a CD. I mean actually buy one. You can look at the pictures and everything.

4. Money situ doomed - VAT on the up. Do less laundry and use more deodorant.

5. Move more. Take up Mai Thai boxing. Self defence skills, toned thighs and happy head.

6. Dont lubricate. Start fire with friction, cos baby its cold outside!

7. Spend more time on yourself. Love yourself, you're amazing.

8. Cuddle more. People love to feel loved.

9. DO ONE THING. Dig a pond and get some froggies, stroke a dog or feed some birds. Just think of their little cotton legs.

10. Forget resolutions, more like revolutions. They go in one year and out the other.